Core Services
The Fralin Biomedical Research Institute 3D Printing Lab is a self-service facility, available to all faculty, staff, and researchers on a first-come, first-served basis.
Room 1002, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
Facility Contacts:
Thomas Wertalik (, 540-526-2270)
Sarah Glenn (, 540-526-2014)

This lab is certified for handling of specimens infected with indigenous or exotic agents, agents that present a potential for aerosol transmission, and agents causing serious or potentially lethal disease.
4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
This is a secured area. Please contact facility staff to arrange access.
Facility Contacts:
Michael Zeitz, Ph.D (, 540-526-2239)
James Smyth, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2238)

The Behavioral Testing Facility contains four small suites equipped for comprehensive behavioral testing of research subjects. The behavioral paradigms performed in the core include tests for cognitive, emotional, social, and motor functions. This is a self-service facility.
Room 1089, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contact:
Alexei Morozov, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2021)
The lab's Cellink BIO X bioprinter is used to culture cells for applications in tissue engineering, drug discovery, and toxicity research.
Room 1411A, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
John Chappell, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2219)
Jenny Munson, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2238)

The institute's Siemens Somatom Confidence RT Pro CT Scanner is used in human and companion animal research.
Room G407, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA

The Bruker Micro PET/CT Si78 allows 18F-FDG PET and 2D and 3D CT imaging applications.
Room G411, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Maosen Wang, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2371)
Jenny Munson, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2238)

The Bio-Rad Droplet Digital PCR is available for absolute quantification of transcripts, detection of rare mutations, genome editing, gene expression analysis at the single cell level, and other uses.
Room R1090, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contact:
Chandra Bain (, 540-526-2632)

The Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer provides provides rapid multi-parametric analysis of single cells in solution.
Room R1090, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contact:
Chandra Bain (, 540-526-2632)

The Sony SH800 Cell Sorter can both analyze and sort cell populations.
Room R1090, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contact:
Chandra Bain (, 540-526-2632)

The INSIGHTEC Exablate Neuro V2 Focused Ultrasound System can deliver ultrasound energy deep in the brain to create a lesion with no incisions. Focused ultrasound is guided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). At the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, the technology is paired with a Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma 3T imaging system that is part of the research institute's large bore MRI facilities.
Room G404, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Jason Raymond, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2643)
Wynn Legon, Ph.D. (

The research institute has two Zeiss laser scanning confocal microscopes: the LSM 700 and the LSM 710.
Room R1028, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Christie Lacy (
Shannon Farris, Ph.D. (

The research institute's large bore MRI facilities include four scanners: two Siemens MAGNETOM Trio 3-Tesla MRIs, and two Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma 3-Tesla MRIs.
- Siemens MAGNETOM Trio: Room R1082, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
- Siemens MAGNETOM Trio: Research Building 26, Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center, Blacksburg, VA
- Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma: Room R1081, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
- Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma: Room G404, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
Facility Contacts:
Duy Phan (, 540-526-2034)
Read Montague, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2006)

The Bruker BioSpec 94/20 USR Scanner with PET insert allows simultaneous MRI and PET data acquisition.
Room G412, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Maosen Wang, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2371)
Jenny Munson, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2238)

The metabolic kitchen features commercial grade cooking facilities, Nutrition Data System for Research access, and a dining and observational area.
Room 2002, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
Facility Contact:
Alexandra DiFeliceantonio, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2285)

The metabolomics facilities include the Shimadzu - GCMS TQ8050 and the Shimadzu HPLC system - Nexera series, and are part of the Warren Lab.
Room 2360B, 4 Riverside Circle
Facility Contacts:
Alexey Zaitsev, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2366)
Junco Warren, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2293)

The Bruker Ultima in vitro Multiphoton Microscope provides simultaneous imaging and electrophysiology.
Room R1015, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
Facility Contacts:
Christie Lacy (
Shannon Farris, Ph.D. (

The Thermo Fisher Scientific Apreo VolumeScope is a scanning serial block face electron microscope for automated acquisition of large volumes.
Room 2306A, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Christie Lacy (
Shannon Farris, Ph.D. (

The Leica STELLARIS 8 is a true confocal point scanning system, including a White Light Laser as excitation light source, an Acousto Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS) and a highly sensitive, prism-based spectral detection design with computer controlled adjustable bandwidth for all fluorescence channels.
Room R3024, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Christie Lacy (
Shannon Farris, Ph.D. (

The Nikon SoRa Inverted Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope uses multiple pinholes or slits to project a series of 1,000 or more parallel excitation light beams onto the specimen in a multiplexed pattern.
Room 1306, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Christie Lacy (
Shannon Farris, Ph.D. (

The research institute's Tissue Processing facility provides histology services and instruction to all Fralin Biomedical Research Institute researchers.
Room 2305, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Scott Johnstone, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2296)
Clare Dennison, Ph.D. (

The FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit Twin Transmission Electron Microscope (EM) is a general purpose, high resolution instrument.
Room R2029, 2 Riverside Circle, Roanoke VA
Facility Contacts:
Christie Lacy (
Shannon Farris, Ph.D. (

The respiration calorimeter facility includes one large room (9' x 12') and a smaller flex chamber (4' x 7') in a push-pull configuration to measure metabolic rate and relative substrate utilization of a human study subject.
Room 2113, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
Facility Contact:
Charlie Stylianos (, 540-231-6393)

Facilities Shared Among Fralin Biomedical Research Institute Principal Investigators Only
Please contact the primary faculty member listed below for more information about this equipment.
The Nikon NIE upright confocal microscope is part of the Johnstone Lab and is equipped for in vivo, live cell and fixed stained sample imaging.
Room 2313C, 4 Riverside Circle
Facility Contacts:
Scott Johnstone, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2296)

The PerkinElmer IVIS Lumina S5 Imaging System is part of the Lamouille Lab.
Room R3246, 2 Riverside Circle
Facility Contacts:
Samy Lamouille, Ph.D. (, 540-526-2203)

The Seahorse facility for analysis of oxygen rate and proton efflux rate of live cells is part of the LaMantia Lab.
Room R2097, 2 Riverside Circle
Facility Contacts:
Daniel Meechan, Ph.D. (, 540-231-2190)