Our Labs

Home ItemBickel Lab , home
The Bickel Lab studies dysfunctional decision-making and interventions to help people battling addiction make healthier choices.
Home ItemCasas Lab , home
The King-Casas Lab addresses two broad areas of inquiry: (1) neural underpinnings of valuation and learning in social settings, and (2) how social and economic preferences influence valuation and learning.
Home ItemChappell Lab , home
The Chappell Lab studies how the blood vasculature develops during early organ formation and during certain diseases such as tumor progression and neurological disorders.
Home ItemChiu Lab , home
The Chiu Laboratory examines the neuroscience of human motivation and social decision-making.
Home ItemDeLuca Lab , home
The DeLuca lab has examined the impact of intensive neurorehabilitation treatments on children and adults with neuromotor impairments for more than 25 years.
Home ItemFarris Lab , home
The Farris Lab studies how neurons respond during learning and how those responses differ between genetically distinct cell types thought to be required for storing memories.
Home ItemFinkielstein Lab , home
The Finkielstein lab studies how disruption of the body's circadian rhythm influences cancer initiation and progression.
Home ItemFreitas-Lemos Lab , home
The Freitas-Lemos Lab studies the effects of new regulations or tobacco products on disparities in tobacco use and its health impacts among different populations.
Home ItemFriedlander Lab , home
The Friedlander Lab uses quantitative single neuron patch clamp electrophysiological methods and imaging to see structural changes in the calcium signals that underlie synaptic function.
Home ItemGourdie Lab , home
The Gourdie Lab studies subunit proteins called connexins, which are located in gap junctions that enable direct communication between cells.
Home ItemHourigan Lab , home
The Hourigan Lab is focused on bringing precision medicine approaches to the care of patients suffering from the rare, highly-fatal, blood cancer Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Home ItemHowell Lab , home
The Howell Lab studies ways to improve mother-infant health outcomes by exploring the factors that influence healthy infant brain and behavioral development.
Home ItemJohnstone Lab , home
The Johnstone Lab focuses on understanding how healthy blood vessels are altered in disease and defining effective pathways to therapeutically target vascular disease.
Home ItemLaConte Lab , home
Research in the LaConte lab is devoted to advanced neuroimaging acquisition and data analysis approaches, aimed at basic scientific discovery as well as understanding and rehabilitating neurological and psychiatric diseases.
Home ItemLaMantia Lab , home
The LaMantia Lab studies the genetics underlying neural development to identify new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for a broad range of disorders that compromise brain and organ system development.
Home ItemLamouille Lab , home
The Lamouille Lab studies ways to deregulate cancer cell communication and is developing new therapeutic strategies to stall cancer stem cell proliferation and metastases.
Home ItemLee Lab , home
The Lee lab develops various types of biomaterials to enhance anti-tumor immune responses without toxic effects, and to understand their therapeutic mechanisms in a range of cancers.
Home ItemLegon Lab , home
The Legon Lab studies modulation of the human brain via focused ultrasound.
Home ItemLessard Lab , home
The Lessard Lab studies the molecular mechanisms behind the powerful clinical benefits of exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.
Home ItemMei Lab , home
The Mei Lab uses computational biology techniques to study the mechanisms of tumor microenvironment remodeling and regulation during metastasis.
Home ItemMishra Lab , home
The Mishra Lab studies the molecular signaling perturbations associated with metabolic syndrome.
Home ItemMontague Lab , home
The Montague Lab's work focuses on computational neuroscience – the connection between physical mechanisms present in real neural tissue and the computational functions that these mechanisms embody.
Home ItemMorozov Lab , home
The Morozov Lab studies the neuronal circuits associated with empathy and examines how these circuits become altered in pathological conditions related to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, psychopathy, autism, and schizophrenia.
Home ItemMulvaney Lab , home
The Mulvaney Lab studies cellular signaling pathways and how changes in these pathways contribute to cancer with the goal of translating these findings into meaningful clinical improvements for patient care.
Home ItemMunson Lab , home
The Munson Lab studies the tumor microenvironment in cancers, including glioblastoma, the deadliest form of brain cancer. Our research focuses on the emerging research area of fluid flow.
Home ItemPan Lab , home
The Pan Lab aims to elucidate the general principles of vertebrate development and uncover the genetic and developmental causes of human neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Home ItemParker Lab , home
The Parker Lab conducts basic and translational research into the performance of health care teams in numerous clinical domains, including the ICU, operating room, and outpatient clinical practice.
Home ItemPfleger Lab , home
The Pfleger Lab studies the molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular disease.
Home ItemPoelzing Lab , home
The Poelzing Lab studies the electrical activity of the heart through cardiac myocytes and proteins and how abnormalities are linked to sudden cardiac death.
Home ItemPurcell Lab , home
The work of the Purcell Lab is aimed at understanding the neurobiology of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Home ItemC. Ramey Lab , home
The Ramey Lab's program of research centers on the role of experience – across the human lifespan - in the development of competence and robust health.
Home ItemS.L. Ramey Lab , home
The Landesman Ramey Lab addresses the contribution of early experience from before conception to later health and development and the development and testing of highly promising treatments for children with disabilities and at-risk conditions.
Home ItemSassi Lab , home
The Sassi Lab focuses on studying the role of non-coding RNAs, coding RNAs and cyclic nucleotides pathways in cardiac health and disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary fibrosis.
Home ItemSheng Lab , home
Researchers in the Sheng Laboratory are particularly interested in glioblastoma multiforme.
Home ItemShin Lab , home
The Shin Lab aims to understand the role of brain circuit-specific mechanisms using translationally relevant animal models of stress-induced psychiatric diseases.
Home ItemSmyth Lab , home
The Smyth Laboratory studies cardiomyopathy at a subcellular level, searching for potential targets for therapeutic interventions to help restore normal cardiac function to diseased hearts.
Home ItemSwanger Lab , home
The Swanger Lab studies subtypes within a glutamate receptor family, called N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR), located in the brain's thalamus to understand the origins of seizures.
Home ItemVan der Heijden Lab , home
The Van der Heijden Lab studies the development of cerebellar function in health and disease.
Home ItemWarren Lab , home
The Warren Lab studies the mechanisms underlying metabolic reprogramming in the failing heart.
Home ItemWeston Lab , home
The Weston Lab studies gene variants that cause human childhood epilepsies and seeks to understand how they alter neuronal physiology to cause network hyperexcitability and seizures.
Home ItemWu Lab , home
The Advances in Technology and Drug Delivery Initiative Laboratory, led by Cheng-Chia "Fred" Wu, M.D., Ph.D., studies the translation of novel drug delivery technologies to treating children with brain tumors.
Home ItemYu Lab , home
The Yu Lab studies the basic principles of how chromatin modifying machineries and downstream effector proteins function and how cancer cells hijack these mechanisms to facilitate oncogenesis.