Animal Biosafety Level 3 Facility
Located in 4 Riverside Circle, the lab is certified for handling of specimens infected with indigenous or exotic agents, agents that present a potential for aerosol transmission, and agents causing serious or potentially lethal disease.

The ABSL3 lab is used to study infectious agents or toxins that may be transmitted through the air and cause potentially lethal infections. Researchers perform all experiments in a biosafety cabinet. The lab is designed to be easily decontaminated and uses controlled air flow to ensure that air flows from non-laboratory areas into laboratory areas.
Users must enter through two self-closing, interlocked doors, sealed windows, floors and walls, and filtered ventilation systems. The lab is equipped to decontaminate laboratory waste.
- Access to the laboratory is restricted and controlled at all times.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be worn, and respirators might be required.
- All work with infectious agents or toxins must be performed within an appropriate biosafety cabinet.
All charges are per hour
Internal (12990)
- O&M Fund (230284): $500
- Equipment Replacement Fund (230285): $0
- Internal Total: $500
External (12997)
- O&M Fund (230284): $500
- Equipment Replacement Fund (230285): $0
- Subtotal: $500
External (12920)
- O&M Fund (230284): $0
- Equipment Replacement Fund (230285): $305
- Subtotal $305
- External Total: $805
A phase contrast and fluorescence microscope. Live- and fixed-imaging in brightfield/phase contrast and equipped with LEDs for fluorescence imaging in Ex: 357/44 Em: 447/60, Ex: 470/22 Em: 525/50, and Ex: 585/29 Em: 628/32. Imaging of live and actively infected preparations can be easily and safely performed on this system with 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, and 100x objectives.

Multimode microplate reader capable of absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence measurement from multiwall plates. Live and actively infected preparations can easily and safely be used in this instrument.

Permits sectioning of fixed and unfixed tissues from infected animals.

Rodent housing unit allows for coronavirus infection models and associated necessary containment.

Six-way cell sorter with five lasers, six detectors per laser line. Performs multicolor flow cytometry with up to 23 colors simultaneously.

High-speed resonant scanning microscope allows for imaging up to 720 fps @ 2048x16. Scope is an AX-R 2K scan head and controller on a Ti2 motorized inverted microscope with 20x, 60x, and 100x objectives. The confocal side of the system offers four detectors and 405/488/561/640 lasers. The 4-channel DUX-ST detector allows up to 12 discreet bandpasses of emission.

The Incucyte S3 provides automatic live cell imaging and real time analysis, housed within the cell culture incubator. The microscope features 4X, 10X, and 20X objectives on an automated turret, two-color green|red fluorescent channels [Green (Ex: 440-480 nm, Em: 504-544 nm), Red (Ex: 565-605 nm, Em: 625-705 nm)] & HD phase contrast imaging. The instrument is capable of imaging up to 6 microplates in parallel, and has support for over 700 vessels including flasks, dishes, slides, and microplates. Additionally, the instrument includes The Woundmaker accessory for quickly making homogenous wounds on a 96-well plate for invasion and migration assays.

The Vevo F2 ultrasound provides high-definition image processing, and is equipped with 3D & 4D imaging, B-mode imaging, and power doppler applications for use with small animals. The provided linear probe, UHF57x (57-25 MHz), provides high-resolution cardiovascular, abdominal, reproductive, and tumor imaging (<14 mm diameter). 4D mode imaging allows for high spatial resolution + high temporal resolution to allow researchers to visualize the heart from any angle over the entire cardiac cycle. Power doppler imaging is used in conjunction with 3D-mode to provide quantitative vascularity measurements, e.g., assessing tumor vascularity in cancer progression.

The Buxco® Small Animal Whole Body Plethysmography (WBP) instrument provides gold standard data collection for indirect respiratory measurements in conscious, freely moving subjects. This instrument is comprised of two 4-site systems, providing eight small animal sites for simultaneous WBP data collection.

The DSI Implantable Telemetry system provides in vivo physiologic wireless monitoring of freely moving animals. The eight-site system is integrated into our Allentown BCU-2 to allow for continuous monitoring. DSI has a selection of small animal implants for a range of studies including glucose monitoring, ECG, EEG and EMG, blood pressure, body temperature, and activity.

The TSE Phenomaster is a multi-modular platform that allows researchers to carry out synchronous and automated metabolic, behavioral and physiological monitoring of small animals. Currently, our system consists of 10 cages with modules to measure activity & sleep analysis, feeding & drinking behavior, indirect calorimetry, and body weight.

Access is currently restricted to ABSL3 facility staff who will undertake required work.
- To utilize the facility, interested faculty should contact facility director Michael Zeitz and facility faculty director James Smyth to describe proposed work and discuss feasibility.
- Work will be scheduled and undertaken by facility staff.
- Samples may be inactivated and rendered BSL-2 for further processing/analysis by researchers outside of the ABSL3 facility if needed.
- All work undertaken requires Fralin Biomedical Research Institute ABSL3 staff involved be included as authors on any publication and given appropriate effort on grant proposals arising from work.
Currently the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute ABSL3 facility is approved to provide cell- and animal-model systems of human coronavirus infection, including SARS-CoV-2, NL63, and OC43.
Cell-based and in vitro services
- Viral replication assays
- Cell viability assays
- Live cell imaging
- Live multi-well plate reading (absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence)
- Protein and/or RNA isolation
- Phase contrast and fluorescence widefield microscopy
Animal models
- ABSL3 housing
- Cryosectioning of infected tissues
- Perfusion and fixation
- Protein and/or RNA extraction from tissues
All work undertaken requires Fralin Biomedical Research Institute ABSL3 staff involved be included as authors on any publication and given appropriate effort on grant proposals arising from work.
Please note: Anyone planning to use this facility must coordinate with the facility director. Access to the third floor of 4 Riverside Circle is restricted.
ABSL3 Lab: Room 3120, 4 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA
Parking at Fralin Biomedical Research Institute: During business hours, visitors may park in designated visitor parking places at the entrance to the parking garage at 2 Riverside Circle. Visitors may also park on the 2nd - 6th floors of the parking garage located at 5 Riverside Circle. On nights and weekends, visitors may park anywhere in the 5 Riverside parking garage, as well as the surface lot and parking deck. All parking is free.
Facility director
Michael Zeitz, Ph.D.
Facility Faculty Director
James Smyth, Ph.D.