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Virginia Research & Innovation: Driving Progress for Better Health and Economic Growth

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Speakers for the briefing include (top row) Tim Sands, Nancy Howell Agee, Kurt Newman, Michael Friedlander, and Mary Woolley, and (bottom row) Heywood Fralin, Dan Sui, Sally Allain, Karen Johnston, and John Newby.

Virginia Research & Innovation: Driving Progress for Better Health and Economic Growth

Date: April 27, 2022

Time: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Archived video

About this Event

Research!America President and CEO Mary Woolley will release results of a new survey of Virginians on the economic impact of biomedical research.

Additional speakers include:

  • Tim Sands, President, Virginia Tech
  • Nancy Howell Agee, President and CEO, Carilion Clinic
  • Kurt Newman, President and CEO, Children's National Hospital
  • Michael Friedlander, Vice President, Health Sciences and Technology, Virginia Tech
  • John Newby, CEO, Virginia Bio

Also participating in the event will be Heywood Fralin, health care executive and staunch advocate for research in Virginia; Dan Sui, senior vice president for Research and Innovation at Virginia Tech; Sally Allain, regional head of JLABS @ Washington, D.C; and Karen Johnston, associate vice president for Clinical & Translational Research at the University of Virginia.

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