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Legon Lab

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Led by principal investigator Wynn Legon, Ph.D., the Legon Lab studies the use of low-intensity focused ultrasound (LIFU). LIFU is an emerging form of noninvasive neuromodulation that uses mechanical energy to affect neuronal activity. The technology combines high spatial resolution with deep focal lengths providing unprecedented non-invasive access to the human brain. The enormous potential of low-intensity focused ultrasound stems from the ability to focus it through the intact skull to a millimeter-sized focal spot virtually anywhere in the brain. This makes it a powerful alternative to both invasive neurosurgical procedures and other non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. The lab is currently focused on using LIFU neuromodulation to probe brain circuitry implicated in addiction and pain with the ultimate goal of developing treatments for addiction, but also developing methods of pain relief that reduce dependence on opioids. The lab also studies the basic science of why ultrasound affects neuronal activity and how variations in the application change it.

The Legon Lab is also accepting graduate students from Virginia Tech's Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health program and the School of Neuroscience graduate program. For more information, contact Dr. Legon

Meet the Lab

Research Scientists

Research Associates and Assistants

Graduate and Medical Students

Undergraduate Student Volunteers

  • Aditya Kapoor, Clinical Neuroscience, College of Science, Virginia Tech

Past Student Volunteers

  • Annie Wells, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech, 2024
  • Elisabeth Tershak, Roanoke Governor's School, 2023-24
  • Nathan Brennan, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech, 2023
  • Hunter Dyche, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech, 2023
  • Ronisha Upreti, Center for Health Behaviors Research High School Summer Research Program, 2023
  • Elly Loyd, SURF-N , 2023
  • Abigail Stiles, NeuroSURF, 2023
  • Lily Anderson, Southwest Virginia Governor's School, 2023
  • Sophie Perdue, Southwest Virginia Governor's School, 2023
  • Megan James, ISE, Virginia Tech, 2022
  • Basith Faizal, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech, 2022-23
  • Samantha Hall, NeuroSURF, 2022
  • Thomas Gregory, SURF-N, 2022


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