Ginger Ashton

Ginger is a member of the Roanoke Women’s Foundation, serving on the grants review committee. Previously, she served as a member of the Board of Directors, and Chair for the Adult Care Center of the Roanoke Valley. She has also served as president of the Virginia Association of Health Underwriters, where, along with a team of dedicated volunteers, she developed and executed an annual statewide meeting for members and vendors, including exhibitions, continuing education hours and social gatherings, beginning in the early 2000s and continuing today. She is also a past President for the Southwest Chapter of VAHU, and served for several years as Chair of the national association’s Chapter Relations committee, where she developed a tool that is used to measure and recognize outstanding chapters around the country.
Ginger is an active member of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Roanoke, and has served as a choir member, reader/chalicist and Vestry Member. Most recently, she assembled a team that created a monthly ministry that brings together women of all ages for fellowship and to provide financial assistance to women and children in need in the Roanoke Valley.
Ms. Ashton is a graduate of Radford University, and is mother to two grown men, granny to four boys and an avid lover of dogs, particularly Labrador Retrievers.