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Green Labs Earth Day

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Green Lab Earth Day

students pitch ideas

 People at go green for halloween event
Kimberly Clark, Corning, and Fisher Scientific vendors helping promote sustainable lab products.

Monday, April 24, 2023

11-1 p.m.

Room G101 A/B, 4 Riverside Circle

Join the Green Team in celebrating Earth Day! This event serves to promote the Green Labs program at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute! Learn about campus recycling options, green lab products, play games, and even take home your own natural sponge!

Pizza and drinks provided! 

About the event

The Green Team, the folks behind the Green Labs Program at the research institute, hosted a Earth Day celebration event on April 24th to promote the Green Labs program, explain campus recycling options, and allow Corning, Kimberly Clark, and Fisher Scientific representatives to display their green laboratory products.

The two companies also provided pizza and drinks while the Green Team staffed information tables and stations for games, tree raffle and free giveaways. 

Corning representative
Making origami
People at information table
People with origami bats and ghosts