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In Person Event: Research in Progress Seminar

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Zachary Williams and Yeeun Bae
Seth Batten, Ph.D., senior research associate in the Montague Lab, and David Norfleet, biomedical engineering graduate student working in the LaConte Lab.

In Person Event: Research In Progress Seminar

March 28, 2023

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Room G101 A/B, 4 Riverside Circle

Seth R. Batten, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Montague Lab
“Machine Learning Enhanced Voltammetry: Advancing Neurotransmitter Measures in the Human Brain”

David Norfleet, Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, LaConte Lab
“Mechanisms of the Default Mode Network during a Go/NoGo Task and the Inefficiency of an Open-loop Design Model"

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