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Kathleen Mulvaney, Ph.D.

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Kathleen Mulvaney, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Kathleen Mulvaney, Ph.D.

"By understanding how cells communicate inside tumors, we may be able to develop treatments for cancers for which few therapeutic options are currently available."


Exploring cellular communication to find cancer treatments

What can understanding protein-protein interactions tell us about how cancers develop and grow?

Kathleen Mulvaney's long-standing research focus is understanding and disrupting protein-protein interactions and protein modifications in cancer, and translating that knowledge into meaningful clinical improvements for patient care. Some enzymes show altered gene expression or activity in cancer or become a genetic requirement/dependency that the tumor relies on for survival. Dr. Mulvaney seeks to identify and characterize these dependencies in cancers of the pancreas and pediatric and adult brain cancers. Understanding what a tumor requires to survive may provide a pathway to killing it.

  • Assistant Professor, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

Mulvaney, KM; Bozal, FK; Sellers, WR. Monitoring and disrupting cellular PRMT5-substrate adaptor complex formation in in-tact and permeabilized cells using a split luciferase complementation assay. STAR Protocols, Cell Press. Manuscript in preparation.

Mulvaney, KM; Blomquist, C; Acharya, N; Li, R; Ranaghan, MJ; O’Keefe, M; Rodriguez, DJ; Young, MJ; Kesar, D; Pal, D; Stokes, M; Nelson, AJ; Jain, SS; Yang, A; Mullin-Bernstein, Z; Columbus, J; Bozal, FK; Skepner, A; Raymond, D; … Sellers, WR. Molecular basis for substrate recruitment to the PRMT5 methylosome. Molecular Cell. 2021, 81(17)17, P3481-3495.

McKinney, DC; McMillan, BJ; Ranaghan, MJ; Moroco, JA; Brousseau, M; Mullin-Bernstein, Z; O’Keefe, M; McCarren, P; Mesleh, M; Mulvaney, KM; Robinson, F; Singh, R; Bajrami, B; Wagner, FF; Hilgraf, R; Drysdale, MJ; Campbell, AJ; Skepner, A; Timm, DE; Porter, D; Kaushik, VK; Sellers, WR; Ianari, A. Discovery of a First-in-Class Inhibitor of the PRMT5–Substrate Adaptor Interaction. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2021, 64 (15), 11148-11168. PMID:34342224.

Tamir*, TY; Mulvaney, KM*; M. Ben Major. Dissecting the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway through
proteomics. Curr. Opin. Toxicol. 2, (2017). (*equal contribution)

Mulvaney, KM.; Matson, J.; Siesser, P.; Tamir, TY; Goldfarb, D.; Jacobs, T.; Cloer, EW; Cook, JG; Major, MB. Identification and Characterization of MCM3 as a KEAP1 Substrate. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 Nov 4; 291(45): 23719–23733.

The Broad Institute; Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Cambridge, Mass., Postdoctoral Fellow

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Graduate Student

Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University, Research Assistant

  • University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Ph.D., Cell Biology
  • University of Rochester, B.S., Biology
  • National Institutes of Health F32 Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (2018-2021)
  • National Institutes of Health LRP Award (2019-2021)
  • Sigma Xi Research Society Graduate Student Travel Award (2015)
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention (2011, 2012)
  • Degree with Distinction in Research: an honor awarded by the University of Rochester (2009)
  • National Science Foundation David T. Kearns Scholar (2008-2010)
  • Take Five Scholar: Awarded tuition-free fifth year by the University of Rochester to study “Influences on Cognitive and Personality Development” (2009- 2010)
  • Academic Competitiveness Grant awarded by New York State (2007- 2008)
  • International Baccalaureate Scholar awarded as a four-year merit scholarship (2005- 2009)