Virtual Medical Scholar Lecture: Across the Atlantic and Back: African Human Genomics Comes Full Circle
Neil A. Hanchard, M.D., D.Phil.
Investigator, Center for Precision Health Research
Head, Childhood Complex Disease Section
National Human Genome Research Institute
Virtual Timothy A. Johnson Medical Scholar Lecture: Across the Atlantic and Back: African Human Genomics Comes Full Circle
Sept. 17, 2021
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Archived video
About this Seminar
In recent years, the field of human genetics, fueled by the human genome project, has leveraged technological advances in genome sequencing and analyses to make major inroads into the molecular understanding of human health and disease. These advances, however, have been largely among individuals of European ancestries, creating a gap in knowledge, equity, and applicability that adversely impacts persons of all ancestries. By contrast, as the ancestral home of modern humans - Africa - has a deep and complex genetic tree that harbors intricate patterns of variation and a plethora of novel DNA variants that hold the potential to better understand and appreciate our shared human history, and equitably impact health, disease, and risk assessment across global populations. Dr. Hanchard will discuss efforts to fill this diversity gap in human genetics, and provide practical examples of how those efforts are positively impacting our understanding of health and disease.
Additional Details
This is a free event hosted by the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. The Timothy A. Johnson Medical Scholar Lecture Series hosts clinician scientists who are exploring frontiers of medicine. These lectures are principally intended for Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine students and Virginia Tech students in Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health graduate program. Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic faculty, staff, and students may also attend.
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