New, High-Powered 9.4 Tesla MRI Arrives on Campus
June 25, 2020

A high-powered MRI research scanner was installed in the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC on Thursday, June 25. The device is more powerful than any other scanner in the region, and it will be used to study rodent models of human medical conditions. The 11,000-pound component uses a large magnet and radio waves to create detailed images of tissues in rodent models of diseases of the human brain and heart -- and cancer.
The device will be used to study rodent models of human medical conditions. The equipment allows scientists to see cells and molecules and is for advanced biomedical research that utilizes MRI imaging for the study of disease, metabolism, and drug interactions.
The equipment is for imaging conditions at an incredibly small, molecular level to learn about diseases or pharmacological treatments. It is not for human clinical purposes.
Specifically, the equipment is the Bruker BioSpec® 94/20 USR, a multipurpose high field MR scanner for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for preclinical research and material science applications. 9.4 Tesla, 20 cm bore URS magnet.