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Blood-Based Approaches to Counter Aging

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Saul Villeda, Ph.D.

Saul Villeda, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Chair, Department of Biomedical Science
University of California, San Francisco
Pioneers in Biomedical Research Seminar

Blood-Based Approaches to Counter Aging

Date: Jan. 31, 2024

Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

About this Seminar

Aging drives cellular and cognitive impairments in the adult brain. It is imperative to gain mechanistic insight into what drives aging phenotypes in the brain in order to maintain, and even restore, functional integrity in the elderly. Dr. Villeda's team, and others, have shown that systemic manipulations - such as heterochronic parabiosis (in which a young and old circulatory system are joined) and administration of young blood or exercise induced blood factors - can reverse age-related impairments in regenerative, synaptic and inflammatory processes, as well as rescue cognitive faculties in the aged brain. These studies have revealed an age-dependent bi-directionality in the influence of the systemic environment indicating pro-youthful factors in young blood elicit rejuvenation while pro-aging factors in old blood drive aging. It has been proposed that introducing pro-youthful factors or mitigating the effect of pro-aging factors may provide effective strategies to rejuvenate aging phenotypes in the brain. Despite this potential, much is unknown as to the systemic and molecular mechanisms regulating pro-youthful and pro-aging effects of blood-borne factors. Dr. Villeda will discuss work from his research group that begins to provide mechanistic insight into the systemic and molecular drivers promoting rejuvenation in the aging brain.

Additional Details

This is a free event hosted by the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute and co-sponsored by the institute's Center for Exercise Medicine Research. The Pioneers in Biomedical Research Seminar Series, which runs annually from September to May, has featured leading biomedical researchers from throughout the country since the program began in 2012. The lectures are also open to all members of the Virginia Tech community including graduate students, undergraduates, faculty, and staff, as well as the public.

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